Tax And Company Registration Number In Hungary

Tax and company registration numbers are unique codes that allow you to identify companies quickly and effortlessly. Understanding their exact meaning, where to find them, and how to use them to gather information about business partners and competitors can be extremely useful. Our articles briefly cover what you need to know about Hungarian tax and company registration numbers.

Company registration number in Hungary

A company registration number, or CRN, is a unique code used to identify a company. Hungarian CRNs not only allow you to quickly verify the legal existence of a company but also provide other useful information at a glance. Let’s see what the different components of the Hungarian CRN mean.

A company registration number in Hungary consists of 10 digits, which can be divided into three parts:


CN – Court number

The first two digits of the Hungarian company registration number represent the ID number of the court that registered the company. By taking a glance, you can determine where the company was registered. You can identify the exact court based on the CRN with the help of this list.

  • 01 – Budapest-Capital Regional Court, Budapest (Budapest Fővárosi Törvényszék)
  • 02 – Pécs Regional Court, Pécs ( Pécsi Törvényszék)
  • 03 – Kecskemét Regional Court, Bács-Kiskun vármegye (Kecskeméti Törvényszék)
  • 04 – Gyula Regional Court, Békés vármegye (Gyulai Törvényszék)
  • 05 – Miskolc Regional Court, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén vármegye (Miskolci Törvényszék)
  • 06 – Szeged Regional Court, Csongrád-Csanád vármegye (Szegedi Törvényszék)
  • 07 – Székesfehérvár Regional Court, Fejér vármegye (Székesfehérvári Törvényszék)
  • 08 – Győr Regional Court, Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye (Győri Törvényszék)
  • 09 – Debrecen Regional Court, Hajdú-Bihar vármegye (Debreceni Törvényszék)
  • 10 – Eger Regional Court, Heves vármegye (Egri Törvényszék)
  • 11 – Tatabánya Regional Court, Komárom-Esztergom vármegye (Tatabányai Törvényszék)
  • 12 – Balassagyarmat Regional Court, Nógrád vármegye (Balassagyarmati Törvényszék)
  • 13 – Budapest Regional Court, Pest vármegye (Budapest Környéki Törvényszék)
  • 14 – Kaposvár Regional Court, Somogy vármegye (Kaposvári Törvényszék)
  • 15 – Nyíregyháza Regional Court, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg vármegye (Nyíregyházi Törvényszék)
  • 16 – Szolnok Regional Court, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok vármegye (Szolnoki Törvényszék)
  • 17 – Szekszárd Regional Court, Tolna vármegye (Szekszárdi Törvényszék)
  • 18 – Szombathely Regional Court, Vas vármegye (Szombathelyi Törvényszék)
  • 19 – Veszprém Regional Court, Veszprém vármegye (Veszprémi Törvényszék)
  • 20 – Zalaegerszeg Regional Court, Zala vármegye (Zalaegerszegi Törvényszék)

CF – Company Form

The next two digits represent the company form, which can be any of the following:

  • 01 – Company (Vállalat)
  • 02 – Cooperative (Szövetkezet)
  • 03 – Public limited company (Közkereseti társaság)
  • 04 – Economic work community (Gazdasági munkaközösség)
  • 05 – Economic work community operating with the liability of a legal person (Jogi személy felelősségvállalásával működő gazdasági munkaközösség)
  • 06 – Limited partnership (Betéti társaság)
  • 07 – Organization (Egyesülés)
  • 08 – Joint venture (Közös vállalat)
  • 09 – Limited liability company (Korlátolt felelősségű társaság)
  • 10 – Company limited by shares (Részvénytársaság)
  • 11 – Sole proprietorship (Egyéni cég)
  • 12 – Direct commercial representation of foreigners in Hungary (Külföldiek magyarországi közvetlen kereskedelmi képviselete)
  • 13 – Teachers’ work community (Oktatói munkaközösség)
  • 14 – Benefit corporation (Közhasznú társaság)
  • 15 – Forest ownership association (Erdőbirtokossági társulat)
  • 16 – Water management association (Vízgazdálkodási társulat)
  • 17 – Hungarian branch office of a foreign enterprise (Külföldi vállalkozás magyarországi fióktelepe)
  • 18 – Executive office (Végrehajtói iroda)
  • 19 – European economic interest grouping (Európai gazdasági egyesülés)
  • 20 – European company limited by shares (Európai részvénytársaság)
  • 21 -Notary public office (Közjegyzői iroda)
  • 22 – Hungarian branch of a European economic association based abroad (Külföldi székhelyű európai gazdasági egyesülés magyarországi telephelye)
  • 23 – European cooperative (Európai szövetkezet)

While company forms 04 and 05 have been discontinued by law, the national register still holds data on companies that previously operated under these forms.


Finally, the last six digits are a unique identifier issued by the court that registered the company.

The Hungarian tax number is issued by the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary.

Hungarian tax number

The Hungarian tax number is issued by the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary (Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal, NAV) and is required for every business to operate.

The Hungarian tax number for businesses consists of 11 digits and can be divided into three segments:


Let’s see what each segment represents.

AAAAAAAA – Unique identifier of the company

The first eight digits are the unique identifier or registration number of your company.

B – VAT code

The 9th digit is the VAT code, which can represent the following:

  • 1: Exempt from VAT
  • 2: Subject to general tax rules
  • 3: Simplified Entrepreneurial Tax (EVA) subject (Discontinued as of January 1, 2020)
  • 4: Member of a VAT group
  • 5: Common VAT number of a VAT group

C – regional tax authority for the company

The last two digits represent the regional tax authority for the company, which can be:

  • 01, 00 – Budapest
  • 02, 22 – Baranya
  • 03, 23 – Bács-Kiskun
  • 04, 24 – Békés
  • 05, 25 – Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
  • 06, 26 – Csongrád-Csanád
  • 07, 27 – Fejér
  • 08, 28 – Győr-Moson-Sopron
  • 09, 29 – Hajdú-Bihar
  • 10, 30 – Heves
  • 11, 31 – Komárom-Esztergom
  • 12, 32 – Nógrád
  • 13, 33 – Pest
  • 14, 34 – Somogy
  • 15, 35 – Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
  • 16, 36 – Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
  • 17, 37 – Tolna
  • 18, 38 – Vas
  • 19, 39 – Veszprém
  • 20, 40 – Zala
  • 41 – Észak-Budapest
  • 42 – Kelet-Budapest
  • 43 – Dél-Budapest
  • 51 – Foreign-resident taxpayers

NAV uniformly defines code 51 for the tax number of foreign-resident taxpayers.

Business registration number lookup for Hungarian companies

Are you looking for an easy and free business registration number lookup for Hungarian companies? Then feel free to use the official company register.

Unfortunately, the website is currently only available in Hungarian. However, you can freely translate its content with Google Translate or any other similar application.

Crystal Worldwide: professional business consulting services

Crystal Worldwide Group, an international law firm with over two decades of experience, is ready to answer your question about Hungarian business matters

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