Hungarian Services

Guest Investor Program in Hungary

Explore the extensive benefits offered by the Hungarian guest investor program through our comprehensive article. Discover how this program can provide unique advantages and opportunities for investors seeking residency and…

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Hungarian Investment Fund

A Hungarian Investment Fund, among other options, can assist third-country citizens in obtaining a residence permit. Explore the exact requirements and benefits this opportunity offers to learn more. Hungarian investment…

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Real Estate Investment in Hungary

A third-country national may stay in Hungary for investment purposes as a guest investor for an extended period. The guest investor residence permit can be apostrophized as the golden visa,…

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Hungary Company Formation

With 27 member states to choose from, where is it most beneficial to form a company in the EU? Incorporating a business in Hungary comes with several benefits. Hungary not…

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Hungary Golden Visa

Securing permanent residency might require a long duration and face legal barriers. However, methods do exist to speed up the process and improve the chances of obtaining residency. Golden visa…

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Hungarian citizenship

Hungarian nationality law is based on the principle of jus sanguinis, which means the “right of blood” in Latin. Therefore, Hungarian citizenship can be acquired by naturalization or ancestry. Getting…

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Hungarian residence permit

Hungary offers residence permits to foreign citizens, including non-EU nationals, who wish to work, study or live in the country. Acquiring a Hungarian residence permit comes with many advantages, for…

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Immigration to Hungary

Immigration to Hungary is often not a straightforward process. While there are several options for getting a Hungarian residency, guiding through the complex legal process can be challenging. Crystal Worldwide…

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