Tax ranking of the OECD countries, Estonia is #1
A professional organization called Tax Foundation, has been creating an annual ranking from OECD member countries, based on their taxability.
A professional organization called Tax Foundation, has been creating an annual ranking from OECD member countries, based on their taxability.
The Netherlands offers significant taxation discounts on Intellectual property (patents, copyrights, software, etc.) related businesses.
Apart from Malta, Luxembourg is a pretty famous European country for tax planning, because it offers great allowances for royalties and intellectual properties, and it’s also an EU member state.
Apart from Malta (here you can read the first part of our article), Cyprus is a pretty famous European country for tax planning – by using royalties and intellectual properties.
Malta is the perfect European country to manage intellectual property.
Offshore cég vásárolhat és használhat szerzői jogokat, szabadalmakat, védjegyeket, valamint birtokolhat know-how jogokat is.
Offshore amnesty has been offered by almost every European country for a longer or shorter period of time.
The Hungarian Stability Savings Account (Stabilitás Megtakarítási Számla – SMSZ) is a form of tax amnesty.
There are thirty countries on the EU Offshore blacklist.
The offshore private foundations are getting more and more popular, so there is no surprise, that offshore center of Malaysia, Labuan offers one of these tax free options as well.