Crystal worldwide Blog

Pakistani PM Disqualified by Court over Panama Papers Links

More than a year after their release, the Panama Papers continue to make political waves across the globe. Most recently, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif found himself embroiled in the scandal – and has been removed from office and is facing criminal charges as a result.

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The World’s Happiest Countries Also Have the Highest Tax Rates

High tax rates might not be good for your wallet, but they could be good for your overall happiness, according to the recently released United Nations World Happiness Report. According to the report, the world’s three happiest countries – Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, respectively – are all also the jurisdictions with the highest tax rates in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) when considering their total tax revenue as a percentage of GDP.

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Understanding Non-Domiciles

Domicile – or your place of residence – can have a huge impact on your tax liabilities. However, understanding the concept of domicile and its subsequent impact on taxes can be tricky. Let’s break it down.

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New EU Anti-Money Laundering Rules

The European Union has instituted new rules designed to make it tougher for terrorist groups and criminal organizations to hide their money by moving it into European countries.

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5 Expert Wealth Management Tips

When people think of “wealth management,” they often conjure up thoughts of complicated financial concepts and elaborate financial processes.

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What You Should Know about Controlled Foreign Companies

In many countries across the world, governments use the Controlled Foreign Company designation to ensure that domestic tax bases are not eroded and to discourage their citizens from shifting their income to jurisdictions that either do not impose tax or that have very low tax rates.

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