Author: Robert

Malta Rejects Tax Haven Accusation

Malta assumed the European Union’s rotating presidency this year. However, as the EU moves to crackdown on tax evasion in the wake of the Panama Papers scandal, the tiny island nation has faced charges that it helped major multinationals avoid paying billions in taxes to other EU member states, and therefore, possibly unfit for the presidency.

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Will the UK become a Tax Haven Post-Brexit?

British Prime Minister Theresa May said that she would modify the basis of the UK’s economic model should the country get an unfavorable deal from other EU member states in Brexit negotiations, igniting widespread controversy.

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U.S. Treasury Nominee Mnuchin Faces Scrutiny over Tax Havens

Former Goldman Sachs partner and hedge fund manager Steven Mnuchin is President Trump’s controversial pick for Treasury Secretary. It is alleged that Mnuchin failed to disclose an estimated $100 million in real estate assets on his financial disclosure forms, which he was required to fill out and submit before his Senate confirmation hearing.

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Panama Papers Reporters Face Backlash

More than 400 journalists from more than 80 of the world’s countries have been involved in the release of the Panama Papers and the subsequent reporting of the trove of information they contain. Thanks in part to the extensive coverage the papers have received in the press, the impact of the Panama Papers has been far reaching.

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Oxfam Says Bermuda Is the World’s Worst Corporate Tax Haven

The Caribbean island nation of Bermuda tops major international NGO Oxfam’s list of the world’s worst corporate tax havens. In developing the list, Oxfam took a number of factors into consideration, including the practices of offering tax incentives deemed to be unproductive or unfair, a corporate tax rate set at zero or an extremely low rate, and failure to collaborate with international tax authorities to combat international tax avoidance.

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French Ex-Budget Minister Jailed Over Tax Fraud

Jerome Cahuzac, the former budget minister of France, was sentenced to three years in prison in December for tax fraud. Cahuzac, who previously headed a French government clampdown on tax evasion, evidently hid millions of euros in an offshore account in order to evade his tax liabilities.

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