Author: Robert

Has Theresa May Killed Tax Haven Reform?

The UK has been attracting quite a bit of scrutiny of tax havens lately, particularly in regards to its overseas territories. The British Virgin Islands was actually the most frequently exploited tax haven in the now-infamous Panama Papers, with well over half of all corporate entities named in the papers registered there.

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Canadian Businesses Pull Funds from Tax Havens

Numbers released by Statistics Canada reveal that Canadian businesses are increasingly moving to pull their funds from tax havens. The move marks the end of a five-year period in which Canadian businesses had billions stashed in the 10 most popular tax havens, which are defined as low-tax or no-tax countries.

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Did a Trump Aide Launder Money from an Offshore Account?

Documents released last year reveal that former Trump aide Paul Manafort from the party of Ukraine’s Kremlin-backed former President, the Party of Regions, reportedly worked for Russian-leaning political organizations in the Ukraine for well over ten years before taking the help of Trump’s presidential campaign in the summer of 2016.

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SFCT to Investigate Offshore Tax Evasion

The Australian government announced late last month that is has identified over 340 people that have unnamed Swiss bank accounts and allegedly have business relationships with Swiss banking officials known to have actively endorsed and enabled tax evasion and avoidance structures.

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IRS Committed to Cracking Down on Offshore Tax Evasion

The IRS announced that hiding assets or money in offshore accounts remains high on its 2017 list of tax scams, commonly known as the “Dirty Dozen.” This list points out a number of common scams that taxpayers use to avoid paying their fair share.

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Should Robots Pay Taxes?

If a robot takes a person’s job, should that robot pay income taxes? It is a question that is increasingly being debated in relation to the impact of automation on employment, and many have suggested that such a tax could help to address inequality and alleviate the social and economic pressures wrought by the shift towards the automation of labor. But experts agree that there is not a clear-cut answer.

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