Author: Robert

5 Expert Wealth Management Tips

When people think of “wealth management,” they often conjure up thoughts of complicated financial concepts and elaborate financial processes.

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What You Should Know about Controlled Foreign Companies

In many countries across the world, governments use the Controlled Foreign Company designation to ensure that domestic tax bases are not eroded and to discourage their citizens from shifting their income to jurisdictions that either do not impose tax or that have very low tax rates.

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4 Ways Big Companies Avoid Taxes

On paper, the US has what is often said to be the highest corporate income tax rates in the developed world. At 35 percent, the US’s corporate income tax is the highest rate compared to all of the OECD industrialized nations.

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UAE Joins Tax Evasion Fight

The United Arab Emirates has officially signed up to fight offshore tax evasion and avoidance, becoming the 109th country to formally sign the Operation for Economic Cooperation and Development multilateral convention on mutual administrative assistance in tax matters.

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Millions Recovered in Tax Evasion Probe

According to Dutch officials, a British national and her Dutch husband were recently arrested following a tax evasion probe, with millions of euros recovered in the process.

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Trump’s Tax Reform Plan: What You Should Know

Late last month, President Trump announced a new tax plan that would radically reorder the entire American tax code. A skeleton outline of the plan was unveiled at the White House in a single-page statement.

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