How High-Net-Worth Individuals Benefit from the Opportunity Zone Program

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) certainly led to confusion around the country and mixed reactions. At the same time, it also laid out the groundwork for a program that would have great benefits for high-net-worth individuals, the Opportunity Zone Program.

Understanding the Opportunity Zone Program

The Opportunity Zone Program is a provision of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It lets each state set up Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) within disadvantaged areas and lower-income communities. These QOZ must meet certain parameters that the federal government set.

The provisions of the Opportunity Zone Program aim to improve investment within these specific areas and attract businesses that will attract jobs. As such, the tax law provides incentives for real estate and businesses within the opportunity zones. These incentives are applied over a 10-year period and include the potential for partial forgiveness or even complete avoidance of any capital gains taxes, perfect for high-net-worth individuals who want a low-tax or even tax-free business.

Providing Opportunities for Investments

One of the major program benefits for high-net-worth individuals comes from an investment perspective. After all, the program allows you to make an investment while minimizing capital gains taxes. However, keep in mind that the investments must be socially responsible or have a positive impact on the QOZ. Those with creativity, funds to invest in real estate or businesses in these zones, and familiarities with the tax laws can take advantage of the program to receive huge financial returns in the long term.

Keep the Guidelines in Mind

To take advantage of the program benefits, such as low or no taxes, high-net-worth individuals must follow certain guidelines. You must first set up a Qualified Opportunity Fund that meets specific guidelines laid out in the act. You must then use that fund to invest in the opportunity zones. That obviously adds several layers of complexity to the process, but it can still be a financially savvy decision for high-net-worth individuals who can invest time and money in the QOZ upfront. To further complicate matters, there are also complex tax rules related to partnerships, with the potential for tax inefficiencies when partnership tax rules and the TCJA interact with each other.

Between the newness and complexity of the Opportunity Zone Program, any high-net-worth individual looking to take advantage of it should be sure to work with a tax specialist who is prepared to understand the intricacies of this program.


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