The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation issued its usual annual report about the global situation of doing business in different countries. The survey emphasizes the so-called Ease of Doing Business Index referring the domestic regulations which are specifically useful to start and operate a local firm. The corporate environment of 185 countries was examined and classified based on 10 fundamental economic parameters, such as starting a business, trading across borders, paying taxes and protection of investors, etc.
According to the report Singapore is the winner of the global ranking for the seventh consecutive year. It is followed by Hong Kong then New Zealand came third on the list. Singapore achieved the best ranking in the category of trading across borders and protection of investors. The same advantages were also provided by Hong Kong. New Zealand received the biggest appreciation for the ease of starting a business.
Poland could not get into the TOP 10 but it was determined as the best global improver. This country has presented several reforms in the field of paying taxes and registering property.
If you would like to operate your international activity in a business-friendly environment Crystal Worldwide can assist you with registering and managing companies in the TOP 3 jurisdictions i.e. in Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand. If you need further information on this subject, please feel free to contact us.

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